Nanowrimo…why now?

It’s just two weeks away from Nanowrimo 2010 and every writing blog out there is posting the how-to’s on writing, planning, developing, mapping, etc. in order to “win” this year. Getting to 50,000 words seems like a monumental task. But the real question is why? Why do it now?

I’ve got last years’ book sitting on my desk awaiting my gentle revisions and artful edits. Bookchild #1 is feeling neglected as I plan and outline for bookchild #2. Should I be thinking about participating again if I haven’t finished the first one? I have enough edits to last a year, and enough ideas to write a few more. What do to? Why now?

I found a grand magnet at the bookstore yesterday that sums it up…Let Go or Be Dragged. Simple as that…let go and move on. Don’t get dragged down by what you think you have to do. Do what you want, do what you must do, then worry about what you think you should be doing or what others expect.

At the end of next month, I’ll have two bookchildren waiting for my gentle edits and artful revisions. I’ll be able to bounce back and forth as I choose, and that makes me happy. I’ll be able to say that finishing Nano last year wasn’t just a one-time thing I did just to prove I could do it. I’ve got it in me again, that’s for sure.

Of course, I’ll feel guilty for ignoring bookchild #1 as I write bookchild #2 next month. I’ll feel guilty for getting up early and working on bookchild #2 instead of cleaning the house and cooking (Ha, like I’ve ever done that in the past! I crack myself up!) I’ll feel guilty for taking time away from homeschooling Daughter in order to catch up on bookchild #2 (she’s participating in Nanowrimo also, so we’ll do it together.) See a pattern emerging? I’ll feel guilty no matter what I do, so why not get another book out of this, edit away for the next year and be happy?

What’s your excuse?

4 thoughts on “Nanowrimo…why now?

  1. I’ve done NaNo pretty much every year since I started. 2 monumental failures because life got in my way. But I’ve done it every year just to prove to myself that I can. This year is a little different though. This year I’ve got a bet with my husband. It’s his first year doing NaNo and I bet him I’d outwrite him. He laughed and said “Bring it on!” So it’s getting brought…LOL

    • A little competition never hurt anyone. Having my daughter do it, and a few friends in town as well as a boatload of Twitter friends, makes it a lot more competitive. I know what you mean about just proving you can do it. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment, isn’t it? Good luck to you and your husband. Kick his ass!

  2. I have things I could be editing as well, but also book ideas clogging my brain and a need to dump some / one of them on the page so I can free some space! And what you say about was it a one-hit wonder? I’ve got some of that going on myself–if it’s not, let’s keep some of those habits throughout the year.

    I blogged about making my NaNo decision too:

    • I like the idea of freeing space, good way of putting it. I’ve got so many up there that I do need to free up some space. And your analogy on your site about running is on the mark. You can talk all you want about pacing, breathing, etc. but sooner or later, you just have to get out there. Just like Nano. And we’ll do it together, I know it. It helps to have others encouraging (or pushing, whatever the case). And it truly makes a difference. Good luck!

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