New Beginnings

There are a few wonderful, new beginnings in my life right now and it can be a little overwhelming, but beautiful. I’m a lucky person to be living this grand life.

1. My daughter, only 14, is taking her first college class today. Yeah, I know I’ve talked about this with everyone, but it’s a big deal to me. This means she’s growing up and doesn’t need me as much. That’s a great thing, and a sad thing, at the same time. I know she’ll do a great job and I know for a fact I’m sweating it and she’s cool as Fonzie (someone she’s never heard of!).

2. We are starting our first year of high school homeschooling this year. This means a lot more work and a lot less socializing, for both of us. We are trying to get into a routine that works for us so that Daughter gets all her schoolwork done, I get my writing done, and we still have time to hang out with friends and watch movies. That ain’t easy, people. But we’re trying.

3. Husband wants to retire soon. Say what? Yes, you heard me. That means he’ll be home more often (unless he’s on a consulting job for most of the week) and that means changing things around once again. We’ll do fine, but it’s another big change…

4. My niece is getting married! Yipee! I’m so pleased for her and so happy that she’s found someone who is loving, caring, and adorable. I envy them the new beginnings that await them and can’t wait to see them go through it all.

5. My niece (a different one, I have 9) just had a baby boy. He’s adorable and I wish them the best. She’s a young mom and will need all the help she can get, but once again I remember how sweet and cuddly little ones can be. Mine are grown and I miss that age (although not the diapers).

6. Finally, the new beginning of a writing schedule for me. I must get my ass in gear if I’m going to finish this book. That means no more excuses (and you’ve heard them all by now, haven’t you?). Of course, excuses for not writing just make me a real writer, right? (say yes, please)

New beginnings are fabulous and I welcome them at every opportunity. Each day is a new beginning, a new chance to “get it right.” What new beginnings are you facing?

Fuel matters: what are you reading?

Mission Bay

I celebrated my birthday last week by visiting San Diego and sitting by the water. I read by the pool, I read on the lounge chairs by the marina, I read on the blanket while watching the kids search for shells. And I know for a fact that it helped me to become a better writer, every word of it.

Makes sense that if you want to be a good writer, you must read. Ask a room full of authors and they’ll tell you to read, read, read. The only way to see how people use the written word in such a wonderful way is to examine it for yourself. Do you have a favorite author? I tend to spend too much time reading and not writing, but I look at it as research. Especially in the summer, when my energy level is at an all-time low and it’s 111 degrees outside (like today).

Buying the iPad has just made my reading habit even worse. When I’m at a standstill, I’ve got a library of books at my fingertips along with the actual library of unread books next to my desk. I see books as a fresh beginning, like dating someone new or meeting a new friend. I look at the cover and read the intro, expecting to be bowled over. I can’t wait to learn about the characters and get into their lives. The anticipation of a new book is almost more exciting than the actual book. (Oh, that sounds sad, doesn’t it? But it is the truth.) Sometimes I’m so disappointed in a book I want to love, just like meeting someone you expect to be so interesting and they turn out to be a dud with a personality like vanilla pudding.

So, I’m looking to add to my collection and build up the anticipation. Tell me, what are you reading? Do you love it? Do you recommend it? Do you get as excited about a new book as I do?